четверг, 27 сентября 2007 г.

Official Statements

Grades: 6-8, 9-12
Subjects: American History, Language Arts, Social Studies

Interdisciplinary Connections
Overview of Lesson Plan: In this lesson, students research the viewpoints of famous Americans, and then write commencement speeches reflecting these viewpoints to be delivered to high school graduates of today.
Review the Academic Content Standards related to this lesson. Suggested Time Allowance: 1 hour Objectives:
Students will:
1. Reflect on common words of advice.
2. Learn about President Bush's latest commencement speeches by reading and discussing "Bush Speech to Graduates Urges Volunteer Service."
3 Individually, research famous Americans and discover how their opinions and ideas were shaped.
4. Develop and share commencement speeches written from the point of view of famous Americans.

Resources / Materials:
--slips of paper or index cards, each with the names of historic figures in American history, including presidents and other elected officials, heroes, leaders and others (if possible, include American figures that students have studied previously; one per student)
--student journals
--classroom blackboard
--copies of "Bush Speech to Graduates Urges Volunteer Service" (one per student)
--resources about American leaders and related information (computers with Internet access, American history and civics textbooks, periodicals, library resources)
Activities / Procedures:
1. WARM-UP/DO NOW: Prior to class, write on the board several well-known aphorisms, such as: Don't count your chickens before they hatch; The early bird catches the worm; A rolling stone gathers no moss; People in glass houses should never throw stones; Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today; Do unto others as you would have done to you. Students respond to the following prompt in their journals (written on the board prior to class): "Select one of the statements on the board. What does this piece of advice mean to you? Among the statements on the board, why did you choose to write about this particular one? How does this piece of advice connect to your own experiences? Provide a detailed example." After a few minutes, allow students to share their responses, then discuss the following questions: When are you most likely to heed the advice of others? How does hearing advice over and over again affect the listener? Does it matter if the advice is given in a popular phrase or in the speaker's own words? Why or why not?

2. As a class, read and discuss the article "Bush Speech to Graduates Urges Volunteer Service," focusing on the following questions:
a. What did President Bush urge the graduates of Ohio State University to do?
b. Where did Mr. Bush get his ideas for his speech?
c. Who is Rick Perry?
d. What did Mr. Bush discuss at a fund-raising event for Mr. Perry's campaign?
e. According to Mr. Bush, why should his critics allow more oil exploration in the United States?
f. Where did Mr. Bush give his first commencement speech in 2002?
g. What did he urge the graduates there to do?
h. What is the USA Freedom Corps?
i. According to Mr. Bush, what does a volunteer job entail?
j. What does the President think volunteer service symbolizes?
k. How does Mr. Bush express the importance of youth getting involved in America's future?
l. What American president did Mr. Bush look to for inspiration for his commencement speech at West Point?
m. Who is Lynn Cheney?
n. According to the article, what did she do?

3. Have each student select a slip of paper with a name of a famous American figure written on it. Explain that students will be working individually to investigate this American leader, then write commencement speeches reflecting the beliefs and values of the person they researched. Using all available resources, students will research answers to the following questions (written on the board or copied for easier student access):
-When did this person live?
-What were the important political, social and economic issues during this time period?
-What opinions or beliefs did this person have towards these issues? -What influences helped shape his or her beliefs?
-What important position(s) in American society did this person hold?
-How many years did this person hold office?
-How did this person use his or her position of power to make opinions and beliefs known?
-How did this person shape the history of the United States?
-About what events happening in the world today might this person have opinions, and what would those views be?
Students should include any interesting information to help the class understand who this person was, and how hos or her opinions and beliefs developed. In addition, students should be able to show how this person's views affected American history.

4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK: Using research gathered in class, each student will write a commencement speech to be delivered to high school or college graduates of today. The advice given should be factually correct, and should address current issues and concerns of graduates. In a future class, students will deliver their speeches during a mock graduation ceremony.

Further Questions for Discussion:
--How can the ideas of philosophers affect the actions and ideas of future generations?
--What is the purpose of a commencement speech?
--How are the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2002 reflected in Mr. Bush's speech topics?
--Why would Mr. Bush combine volunteer programs under the USA Freedom Corps?
--Would a speech using only Mr. Bush's ideas be as effective as using a speech inspired by past thinkers? Why?
--What was the author's purpose for including the paragraph on oil exploration and fundraising for Mr. Perry in this article?
Evaluation / Assessment:
Students will be evaluated based on thoughtful completion of journals, participation in class and group discussions, thoughtful completion of individual research about famous Americans, and thoughtful completion of commencement speeches. Vocabulary:
derive, philosopher, exploration, doctrine, pre-emption, citadel, drafting, classics, ethics, founding Extension Activities:
1. Create a flow chart that explains how the USA Freedom Corps is organized. Research how many people are enrolled in each of the programs, which governmental offices are involved, and who controls each organization.

2. Write an essay comparing the commencement speeches given by President George W. Bush in June 2002 at Ohio State University and President John F. Kennedy's commencement speech given at University of California in 1966. What were the important issues of the day? How are these issues reflected in the advice given to college graduates?

3. Research community service programs in your area and participate in an upcoming event. Afterwards, write a reflection paper expressing your emotional reaction to doing this volunteer work.

4. Write and illustrate a children's book based on your own feelings about the United States after reading "America: A Patriotic Primer" by Lynn V. Cheney.

Interdisciplinary Connections:
Global Studies- Create a chart comparing and contrasting the world's two oldest democracies, France and the United States. How is the government structured in each country? What are some differences and some similarities between the Constitutions of each country? How is each country divided into administrative districts? How is the legal system organized and administered in each country? How do the two countries compare in population and land area? Who are some historical leaders from each country, and how might their opinions differ on particular issues?

Journalism- Write an article for your school newspaper by interviewing someone who has devoted a significant portion of his or her life to a community service such as the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or the Salvation Army. Discover why this person got involved in this public service and what benefits this experience provided. What aspects of this volunteer's work would be helpful or interesting to your community? How can you use this information to inspire your peers to get involved in community service?

Science- Write a research paper explaining how additional oil resources in the United States are found. Who carries out the explorations? How is the study of landforms and seismic analysis involved? What technology is used in the discovery and drilling of test wells? How do marine and land exploration methods differ? How is the environment affected by each method?

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